The Thrift Queen

Meet Us.

For over a year now my lovely boyfriend, Phill, and I have been wandering through flea-markets and thrift stores alike; coming across some rather unusual things in our travels. With our new found treasures piling up, it is sometimes hard remember the journey of each of our pieces. (Which is important to both he and I) So, in attempts of never forgetting a damn thing, we started this blog. And like most things in our relationship this blog started off as a spontaneous idea on my part, and fully endorsed on his - making it so! We merely want to share our one-of-a-kind-finds with the rest of the world and maybe inspire a few new people to head over to their local Salvation Army and give that wing-back chair a face lift!  If you want to enquirer about anything on our blog or know something neat and have the time of day to share; please send a message our way! 
Phil looking suave in his leather jacket 
found in the Monroeville Goodwill. 
My new purse and I, found in
 the Greensburg Goodwill.