The Thrift Queen

What: 1944 Ansco Accordion Camera

This is ml'ove, Phil, and the 
viewfinder on my Ansco Camera. 
Info: Unfortunately, this is one of those finds that I don't know all that much about. If anyone is more knowledgeable than myself, please, share what you know! In the past, I have owned Ansco film; this is the first camera I have collected from them. The company was was based in Binghamton, New York which made cameras from the mid-1800s until the late 1980s. This model has a leather exterior and accordion style body. 116 mm film; as soon as I get my hands on that I can test it out!  
Where: This was another great find from my favorite local antique store; 'Antiques & Oddities.' This one was the first that I found nestled into a side area, hidden from plain view. Which just goes to show why it pays off to wander a place top to bottom each time you enter!  You can find the things you never knew you never found! I paid only 20 for the beauty, which I feel was quite a bargain. 
316 Clay Avenue Jeanette, PA 15644
 724 - 523- 7767

WhyOverall, it is quite a stunning camera and when holding it gives off such a unique sense of past times. It wasn't something that I thought I could pass by. It isn't very often when you stumble upon an object that can speak for itself; and this camera definitely can!

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