The Thrift Queen

What: I believe it is some sort of decorative sound maker. And the sticker clearly reads, "HAND MADE IN KENYA"

Info:  This is one of those Thrift-Finds that I picked up out of sheer curiosity. I remember my teacher Mr. Davis, in my 10th grade sociology class, had these neat African sound makers and upon finding these I assumed them were very much of the same thing. Although this picture is not the most descriptive, these two awkward shapes are actually was looks like a dried up, well preserved, hollowed out fruit. (Better Pictures still to come) The sides have hand drawn designs crudely painted, with several parts that look half finished.  (I think it give this neat find all the more character, personally!) When shaken there is a slightly muffled sound of either dried up seeds or rice under a fairly light shell.
If anyone has any info on this really neat pair, please write to us!

Where: This was actually one of my early finds at the local Thrift King. Nicely it was put in a clear plastic bag, so the price wasn't directly written on it. Which is a problem I often have there. All around I love the store besides that. The people aren't the classiest  but, sure are friendly! I give it a thumbs up! Stop and take a look if ever in the area!

SOLD: This was one of the finds that I knew I didn't need, which made me want it even more! I love neat things to hang around the house and this certainly is one of them!


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